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Commercial Photographs with a personal touch

When I think about growing a business and not just a product, I do start to wonder about the ethos of a business. Maybe not the ten pound purchases but certainly if I'm thinking of a larger purchase or, more importantly, if I'm buying a service. I want to know: are they good? What do they offer? How are they going to treat my interaction? 


For me, the building of the whole package is important. For smaller companies this is make or break; every interaction with a potential or current customer is crucial and crafting that essential message. In SME's this is often all down to their directors and owners, as to what is portrayed and what you can find out about them. Yes, you can read lots about most of these people, however the old adage goes, "a picture tells a thousand words". With that said, I caught up with Managing Director Steve Pugh at Bignall Group while helping him build his online photo presence.

Why is the photography important to you?


I have always had a passion for photography and especially in the modern world it's hugely important to communicate across multiple languages and levels. Photography is a superb way to do that.




Why did you want something on location vs the traditional white screen headshots?


For me it's all about personality. All of the world's best photographers shoot on location. In the modern world you need to stand out and getting creative allows you to convey so much more than words alone ever could.




Does a great photo help you make a better first impression?


Definitely. With a good photographer, you not only capture the person but also use the image to transfer across some of their personality. For me personally, I grew up in a city and my Liverpool roots are still very much a part of me. At 34 I am still learning, so having pictures that reflect more of my personality is only a good thing. I am certainly not the perfect finished article, but I do have a hidden grit which I believe is well communicated in your great pictures.



Steve, thanks for taking the time out of your business schedule to talk and answer a few questions on why you think a more personal touch on photos is relevant. If you think your own photos could use an update and a more personal touch to reflect your style, I'd love to hear from you.





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